onsdag 19 november 2008

...fröken Svinvad goes Burton...

Wahey, titta vad jag hittade! Gud vad jag älskar den där filmen! Och nu kan man göra egna små söta monstriga avatarer=) Nu skall vi se om mina html-skills funkar så bra att jag kan embedda den här...

torsdag 13 november 2008

...fröken Svinvad har Svaret!...


Efter ett halvt livs katastrofer baserade på mina eviga sömnproblem har jag äntligen hittat svaret på gåtan! Helt underbart! Skall försöka komma ur sängen imorgon så jag kan boka en tid hos en läkare så jag kan få en diagnos, och med det lite annan hjälp än "jamen du får väl lägga dig lite tidigare", eller "jamen det är väl bara att ställa klockan"



Delayed sleep-phase syndrome (DSPS), also known as delayed sleep-phase disorder (DSPD) or delayed sleep-phase type (DSPT), is a circadian rhythm sleep disorder, a chronic disorder of the timing of sleep, peak period of alertness, core body temperature, hormonal and other daily rhythms relative to the usual norms. People with DSPS tend to fall asleep some hours after midnight and have difficulty waking up in the morning.

Often, people with the disorder report that they cannot sleep until early morning, but they fall asleep at about the same time every "night", no matter what time they go to bed. Unless they have another sleep disorder such as sleep apnea in addition to DSPS, patients can sleep well and have a normal need for sleep. Therefore, they find it very difficult to wake up in time for a typical school or work day. If, however, they are allowed to follow their own schedule, e.g. sleeping from 4 a.m. to noon, they sleep soundly, awaken spontaneously, and do not feel sleepy again until their next "night".

Dagens känsla:

...ren och skär lättnad...